There are generally three different types of lenders:
A Wholesaler or Mortgage Broker has the ability to "shop" a mortgage around. This means they sometimes have access to a different variety of programs and not just one lender's product. This is an advantage. They also give up a bit of the control as the loan often gets sent to another part of the country where the final lender is and they are now subject to someone else's time frames. This can sometimes be a disadvantage.
There are pros and cons to all 3 types of lenders. A Retail lender usually has a fair amount of product and offers competitive pricing but they are limited to only their banks products. A Mortgage Broker can sometimes find niche products for hard to place loans because of the many different lenders but can have issues with timing. Correspondent lenders have the best of both worlds, with all the choices of a Broker but the control of a Retail lender. They are subject to restrictions as well, and usually the Correspondent has limitations as to what they can approve in house.
A list of Hawaii lenders is available upon request.