Maui Mayor Bissen moves to Remove Thousands of Vacation Rentals through Repealing the Minatoya List.

Yes, this will affect you and you will no longer be able to vacation rent your place even though it's been a rental for decades. This WILL ABSOLUTELY PASS if you do nothing. CLICK HERE FOR THE MINATOYA LIST TO CONFIRM IF YOUR PROPERTY EFFECTED Minatoya List - PDF

Here is the link to the Proposal.

In short: Mayor Richard Bissen, together with the Lahaina Advisory Team, Lahaina Strong, and Councilmember Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, introduced a crucial bill to tackle Maui County's housing crisis worsened by the 2023 wildfires. The bill aims to phase out 8,000 transient vacation rentals (TVRs), particularly in West Maui, by July 1, 2025, and all countywide units by January 1, 2026 This collaborative effort prioritizes residents and reshapes Maui's TVR landscape. It marks Lahaina Strong's decision to end its occupation at Kāʻanapali Beach, signifying a milestone. Mayor Bissen's says that his approach is to direct the bill to the Planning Commissions to address TVRs operating without permits, aligning with his vision to restore long-term residential use, but the truth is that the bill will eliminate thousands of aging vacation rentals that have been legally operating for more than 30-40 years.

Want to do something? Reach out to everyone you know that will be affected by this: cleaners, managers, workers, owners, business owners and anyone else you can think of for them to call, write and SHOW UP to testify. After you talk with them, FOLLOW UP and make sure they testify.

Please reach out to the individual members of the maui planning committee first as they are first to review and approve the bill so that your voice can be heard: Then please also reach out to the individual members of maui County Council: